O Thessalonikios

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A dreamy landscape full of nature and greenery, a fairytale old town, buildings with remarkable architecture and history, incredible climate (for Central European data) and of course an ideal spot to explore three countries! Need I mention more to add Freiburg to your travel list?

4 Reviews

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If I say it was a lifelong dream to visit Dresden sometime, I'd be lying. To be perfectly honest I did not even know its existence, but sometimes beauty does not hide in the famous and well-publicized, but in the unknown and the unexpected, where the expectations are lower and the images more virgin.

4 Reviews

pantelis thessalonikios 1

I am Pantelis or as the title of the blog testifies "O Thessalonikios". If you also have a passion for travel, then you are in the right place. My goal is to be able to see the 237 countries of our planet and my purpose to give you information that I gained from my travels. 

travel vibe
